Portal Service Environment Variables
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This document provides a list of environment variables and their default values required to run the Sunbird portal service. The list also provides the description and purpose of these variable. Modifying the variable value allows you to change default behavior based on your requirements.
S No | Variable Name | Description | Purpose | Default Value | Path |
1 | sunbird_portal_realm | Represents the keycloak realm value | realm value of keycloak to update in each installation | sunbird | Sunbird Portal |
2 | sunbird_portal_auth_server_url | Represents the keycloak authorization service URL | To connect to the keycloak server | https://staging.open-sunbird.org/auth | Sunbird Portal |
3 | sunbird_portal_auth_server_client | Represents the client ID of the keycloak client | To update the client ID | portal | Sunbird Portal |
4 | sunbird_environment | Represents the environment where the instance is running | To send the telemetry with proper pdata and other purposes | Sunbird Portal | |
5 | sunbird_instance | Represents the name of the instance | To set up the name of the instance | Sunbird Portal | |
6 | sunbird_learner_player_url | Represents the Learner service Proxy URL | To change the learner service Proxy URL | https://staging.open-sunbird.org/api/ | Sunbird Portal |
7 | sunbird_content_player_url | Represents the Content service Proxy URL | To change content service Proxy URL | https://staging.open-sunbird.org/api/ | Sunbird Portal |
8 | sunbird_content_proxy_url | Represents the Proxy URL address to load plugins | To load plugins | https://staging.open-sunbird.org | Sunbird Portal |
9 | sunbird_default_channel | Represents the default channel of the installation, same as in learner service and content service | To set default channel for installation | Sunbird Portal | |
10 | sunbird_api_auth_token | Represents the auth token to connect APIs | To connect the services | Sunbird Portal | |
11 | sunbird_telemetry_packet_size | Represents the size of the batch to sync data | To set the size of events to be synced | 20 | Sunbird Portal |
12 | sunbird_echo_api_url | Represents the URL used to validate the SSO token | To validate the JWT Token from the trampoline service | https://staging.open-sunbird.org/api/echo/ | Sunbird Portal |
13 | sunbird_autocreate_trampoline_user | In case there are no users, auto create a user from the trampoline service | To change the handle for user creation from trampoline service | true | Sunbird Portal |
14 | sunbird_trampoline_client_id | Represents the trampoline client ID | To identify the client using the trampoline service | trampoline | Sunbird Portal |
15 | sunbird_trampoline_secret | Represents the trampoline secret | |||
16 | sunbird_session_store_type | Represents the storage used to store portal sessions | Used to set the storage type | in-memory | Sunbird Portal |
17 | sunbird_portal_title_name | Represents the title displayed in browser | Used to update title name for browser | Sunbird | Sunbird Portal |
18 | sunbird_portal_cdn_url | Represents the CDN BASE URL where static assets are stored | To update the CDN based on implementation | Sunbird Portal | |
19 | sunbird_portal_default_language | It is used to set the default language of the portal | The display language of the portal | en | Sunbird Portal |
20 | sunbird_dataservice_url | Represents the data service URL | It is the data service URL to access the data services | https://staging.open-sunbird.org/api/ | Sunbird Portal |
21 | sunbird_keycloak_public | Represents the keycloak | true | Sunbird Portal | |
22 | sunbird_keycloak_realm | Represents the Keycloak realm | sunbird | Sunbird Portal | |
23 | sunbird_content_channel_filter_type | Represents the filter type to show content based on the applied filter. By default it is set to ‘all’ which displays all content. If set to ‘self’, it shows the current channel content | all | Sunbird Portal | |
24 | sunbird_android_app_url | Represents the android app URL in play store | Used to set the android app URL | http://www.sunbird.org | Sunbird Portal |
25 | sunbird_enable_signup | This is used to enable and disable signup funcationality | true | Sunbird Portal | |
26 | sunbird_api_response_cache_ttl | Represents the Time-to-Live (TTL) for the API response cache in seconds | Used to set cache for API responses in seconds | 600 | Sunbird Portal |
27 | sunbird_tenant_cdn_url | Represents the URL of the CDN, the tenant specific files are stored here | Used to render the static tenant pages from the CDN | Sunbird Portal | |
28 | sunbird_cloud_storage_urls | These are the urls used to store and get the assets passed to editors from portal as config | Used to change the assets and data storage by setting this env | Sunbird Portal |