Content Repositories

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Q. After content is uploaded on the platform, do updates made to the original content in the organization’s repository reflect automatically in platform’s repository?

Two scenarios imply here:

  • If the platform has only one common repository for all the organizations, the changes in the content automatically reflect in the common repository.
  • If the organization maintains a separate repository, the content in that repository does not automatically reflect in the platform’s repository. Any updates made to content in the organization’s repository must be re-uploaded on the platform’s site. The uploaded content undergoes the review process, before it is re-published on the platform.

Content that is already submitted to the platform repository can be modified using platform’s in-built content editor. To make changes or modify uploaded content:

  1. Click Edit on the content to be modified
  2. Modify the content
  3. Save the changes
  4. Send the artefact for review
  5. The artefact will be published after review

Q. Does any change in the organization’s content repository affect the content repository on the platform?

The content in the organization’s repository does not automatically reflect in the platform’s repository. Changes to the organization’s repository do not affect the platform’s content repository.

Q. Is the content provided stored in platform’s repository?

All content uploaded and published on the platform is stored in platform’s content repository.

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