Badging Framework

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Badges represent an award, a certificate, an endorsement or an authorization. On Sunbird, there are two types of badges:
1. Badges for Content
2. Badges for People

Badges are awarded to people to recognize their skills or accomplishments. They are awarded to content pieces as a certicate of authority or recommendation. They also help organize and search content.

Badges for People

Organizations can assign badges to users who:
1. Complete prescribed courses
2. Use Sunbird in classrooms for the prescribed or greater duration
3. Create content that is highly consumed
4. Recieve awards and certificates offline

Note For details on how to issue badges to users, refer Issuing Badges to Users

Badges for Content

Organizations assign badges to content to:
1. Create authorized content Organizations can create content on Sunbird and mark them with appropriate badges such as , Official. During search or navigation, badged content is displayed in the top results
2. Create special content Organizations can create content for specific use cases such as, content for special needs, specific age groups etc. Badging such content aids their discoverability
3. Endorse content Organizations can assign badges such as Popular, Recommended etc., to endorse and increase the usability of content created and uploaded

Currently, on Sunbird, content badges can be assigned only to textbooks.

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