Creation and Curation of Books

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Book is a collection of content units. On Sunbird, books can be compiled or curated from school books or any book that conform to syllabi of state or central boards or any recognized institution or publication, in the said medium of instruction and language. Books may also be compiled separately without adhering to any syllabus, but forming a logical unit of content pieces for the given subject matter.


Step Screen
1. You are logged in
2. You are currently on My Workspace
3. You want to create a book, you have clicked on Book tile

Creating Book

Step Screen
1. Enter Name of the book
2.Select the following from their respective dropdown menus:
 a) Board
 b) Grade
 c) Subject
 d) Medium
 e) Year
3. Enter Publisher details
4. Click Start Creating
Note: These details can be filled later when updating the book details

Adding Content to Book

You can add various elements in the book like units or chapters, heading details, DIAL codes, and resources.

Step Screen
1. Click New Child node, on the left navigation pane to add chapter or unit
2. A unit is added to the left pane and the corresponding heading details are displayed on the action pane. For details on child node, sibling node, refer Exploring ToC Structure

Adding or Editing Book Details

Step Screen
1. Click Edit Details to enter the book details
2. Click the camera icon to add an image
Note: For details, refer Adding Image to Metadata
3. Enter Title of the book
4. Enter Description of the book
5. Enter Keywords. Keywords are ideas and topics that define content. Keywords aid in searching for content
6. Select the following from their respective drop-down lists:
 a) Curriculum
 b) Class
 c) Subject
 d) Medium
 e) Year
7. Select Topic
Note: For details, refer Adding Topics
8. Enter Publisher details
9. Enter Attributions
10. Select Audience
11. Enter the DIAL Code
12. Click Save on the header to save the details
13. Click Cancel to go back to the previous screen

Adding Book Details

Step Screen
To start adding heading details in a unit or chapter
1. Enter Name. This is the chapter/unit name as in the physical textbook
2. Enter Description
3. Select the Concepts associated with the heading. Refer Concept Selector
4. Enter Keywords
5. Enter the DIAL code
Note: DIAL code is used to link other digital content to the book. The list of DIAL codes associated with the book is provided to you by the organization administrator
6. Click Add Resource to add content to the unit or chapter. For details on adding resources, refer Adding Resources

Linking or Unlinking DIAL Code

Step Screen
Enter the code from the list of DIAL codes that correspond to the book being created
1. Enter the right code for the heading to display ✔️ icon beside the code
2. Incorrect code displays ❌ icon
3. Click Edit to link or unlink the DIAL code
 a. Unlink the DIAL code from the book        
 b. Link the DIAL code to the book    

Working with Table of Contents

You can see Table of Content tree in the left pane to navigate content compiled for a collection, textbook, course or lesson plan. You can manipulate the tree using either:
 a) The burger menu associated with a tree node
 b) Right-click options associated with a tree node, OR
 c) Keyboard shortcuts
For details on manipulating the tree and adding content, refer Exploring ToC Structure

Deleting Content

Step Screen
1. Click Delete icon beside the burger menu
2. Click Yes to delete the added content
Note: You can alternatively delete content by clicking Delete in the burger menu drop-down

Reordering Content

Step Screen
1. Drag and drop the content to the desired position to rearrange the order of the content added to the textbook
1. Click the upward arrow to collapse the table of contents. Click the same arrow to expand collapsed table of contents

Sending Book for Review

Step Screen
A book must be reviewed before it is published
1. Click Save on the header to save the book
2. Click Send for review to send the created book for review. Before sending for review, you can share the content to a limited audience. To know more about Limited Sharing, refer Limited Publishing and Sharing

Exploring What’s New

Step Screen
The What’s New feature informs you of the product features added or enhanced since the last product release
1. Click on the What's New icon to view concise information about new product functionality
Note: The What's New icon is red before you view it for the first time. The icon turns grey after you view the information, until the next product version

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